
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Water Melon - The Juicy, Red and Healthy Thirst Quencher

Red Juicy Watermelons
Photo by: Steve Evans
Every one seems to love this juicy fruit during summer time. During the summer season water melon is available in plenty with affordable price. It is a great addition to our healthy diet. 

From the reports it is learnt that the first harvest of this vegetable fruit recorded 5000 years ago in Egypt. 

Doubt may arise whether watermelon is fruit or vegetable? Water melon is considered as fruit and also vegetable. If you consume this fruit during summer time it makes you fresh and cool.

Scientific name for this fruit is CITRULLUS LANATUS and is a Scrambler and Trailer (like Pumpkin) type of plant. It is originally mainly from Southern Africa.
Cube Watermelon from Japan
Photo by: Flickr user laughlin

Generally it is used as a fruit to be a sweet enhancer along with our diets. Packed with many vitamins and minerals water melon is considered one of the healthier food. It is low in calories and also fat free.

Although normally it is available in affordable prices, there are some special varieties available. The Cube variety from Japan costs average of 300$ to even 6000$ (yes, six thousand US Dollars!)  

Only ripe water melon is to be used for dietary purposes. How to find out it is ripe? Just thump it if it sounds hollow then it is taken as ripe one. 

If it is fresh and uncut, it can be stored for 10 days. If it is cut it can be stored for 4 days only. While storing this fruit care must be taken that it should be fully wrapped by plastic cover to avoid contamination and for long storage.

What are all its health benefits?
Watermelon is high in water content. It contains 92% of water and 8% of sugar thus help in maintaining water balance in the cells. Water melon acts as a natural moisturizer as well as a toner and keeps the skin cool and fresh. 

Water melon Nutrients
It also contains a lot of other minerals as seen in the list from Wikipedia. You can check the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) link to see the complete list of nutrients in Raw Water melon.

Water melon is rich in electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. The contents full of fatigue fighters namely Potassium, Vitamin C, Lycopene, and Iron and in this fruit drive away any feeling of fatigue.

Water melon contains Vitamin A, which is important for optimal eye health and boosts the immunity by enhancing the infection fighting actions of white blood cells called lymphocytes.

Vitamin B6 which contains in this fruit helps immune system and help to maintain normal nerve function and form red blood cells.

Vitamin C contains in water melon help to protect our body from harmful free radicals that can accelerate aging and also help to protect cataract.

Contents of Potassium which is necessary for water balance. People with low potassium may experience muscle cramps.

The Red flesh of Water melon contains significant amount of Lycopene (Red tomatoes also contain Lycopene). Lycopene is helpful in reducing the risk of many cancers.  

American Heart Association’s heart check mark program had certified that water melon is low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Amino acid citrulline can help to maintain blood flow within heart and cardiovascular function. It may help to cure Inflammation and dehydration.

By knowing the above health benefits of this golden fruit, I hope you may use often along with your daily dietary.

For more information about Watermelon and benefits you can check the Wikipedia link here and more another link here.

I have mentioned a few benefits of this fruit. Add your comments or any other uses or benefits of this fruit.  Your feedback through comments in this regard will benefit all of us.  

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Drumstick, Moringa tree and leaves – Simple, Pocket friendly and healthy Vegetable

In my previous post we discussed about health benefits of the natural energy drink coconut water.
Drumsticks in my tree

Now we will see the common usage stick like vegetable Drumstick. Many medicinal properties of the drumstick tree have long been known in India and other parts of the world. This tree grows very quickly and gives quick yields also. Here you can see drumsticks from the tree in my home

All parts of this tree are very useful and have long been used for medicinal purposes. Drumstick pods are used in curries, soups and in many Indian dishes.  

This vegetable and its leaves contain Protein, Calcium, Iron, Vitamins A, B and Vitamin C. These medicinal properties are present more in the leaves. Hence the leaves are used as wonderful tonic for kids, teenagers for building strong healthy bones and increasing body resistance.  

Easy recipe for soup:  Take a hand full of these leaves in half a cup of water, boil it for 5 minutes. Soup is ready. You can add a pinch of salt and pepper. You can also use flowers instead of leaves. This soup can be used to help treat Respiratory problems, Asthma, Wheezing, Bronchitis also even for Tuberculosis. This soup helps to ease any kind of Chest congestion, Sore throat, Cough.

Pregnant women should often use this plant in their diet as it helps ease any kind of pre and post-delivery complications.
Fresh Flowers in my tree

UTI can be treated by drinking this medicinal juice. Mix a table spoon of leaf juice with a glass of carrot or cucumber juice by adding a pinch of rock salt.

Here is another simple recipe for good energy. Boil a hand full of flowers in a cup of milk. Energy drink is ready to use. Can be used only once in a week.

Oil is extracted from the seeds of drumstick and the oil is called Ben oil. This kind of oil is used in salad, in cooking, in lubricating machines, in hair products etc.,

Other benefits: The root of this vegetable tree can be boiled in sufficient water and should be inhaled deeply to clear the nasal passage to get rid of mucus blocking. A paste of this root can be used to treat itching over the skin. Drumstick can help to treat digestive disorders, to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers. And help to heal these ulcers faster.

Please do not cut the leaves with knife. Just wash them and drain the water.

Drumstick tree is called one of the power houses of minerals and one of the common trees in many countries. No doubt it is used in many dishes. But excessive consumption of this plant may harm to our health. It is better to have once or twice in a week. The amount consumption may be varied from person to person according to their body conditions.

The above mentioned benefits and usages are few. If you know anything more about this plant please mention here so that,  it may benefit all of us.  

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cool and Healthy Coconut Water (Part 2 of 2)

In my previous post we discussed about some health benefits and the medicinal properties of coconut water. Now I would like to add few more information of this natural energy drink.

Coconut water is the juice which is extracted from very young or tender coconuts. If mature they produce coconut milk rather than coconut water. Each coconut contains approximately 200 to 1000 ml of water depending upon the size and cultivation.
Tender coconut in a Thailand Restaurant
Photo byUser:Yuvipanda

Research showed that cytokines property contained in the coconut water showed significant anti-ageing and anti-carcinogenic effects. It contains more B complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pyridoxine etc., These vitamins are essential in the sense of human body requires them from external sources to replenish.

Coconut water contains a lot of Potassium. 100 ml of coconut water has 250 mg of potassium, 105 mg of sodium.
Everybody likes it
These electrolytes help replenish electrolyte deficiencies in the body due to various illnesses. Coconut water helps in keeping check over urinary infections and also it is very effective in treating kidney and urethral stones. If consume regularly it may reduce urinary problems like irritation, and other urinary ailments. It also helps to treat stomach ulcers.  Probably that’s why almost everybody likes it.

The name for this tree in Sanskrit is KALPA VRIKSHA that means “tree that gives all that is necessary for living”. This itself a proof for the importance of this nature product.

While drinking coconut water, it is always better to drink the natural form, rather than packaged coconut water to get full health benefits.  Check out this video on the benefits and also what you get extra when you drink natural Coconut Water

Hope you got good information about Coconut Water, the wonderful natural drink. Please pass along your feedback and comments.

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cool and Healthy Coconut Water (Part 1 of 2)

In my previous posts we had discussed about home remedies for diabetes Part 1 and Part 2. Now we will see the health benefits of a “cool” drink – Coconut Water. 

No doubt that many of us are into drinking coconut water often or occasionally. Surely whenever temperature rises, (as in a typical Indian Summer), it becomes a popular drink and is consumed by the people of all ages. 

Photo byCrisco 1492
What are the health benefits of this unadulterated healthy drink?.  

Coconut and Coconut water are one of the gifts of nature. This natural water contains many medicinal properties like potassium, antioxidant properties etc., 

It is less in sugar than any other soft drinks and some of fruit juices. It helps in natural way to replenish the supply of electrolytes in our body. 

It helps to lower blood pressure since it contains potassium. Since it contains GLUCOSE it gives energy to our body. To compensate the loss of minerals and fluids during physical activities (e.g. Sports or Working-out) one has to take is energy drink to compensate the energy loss. Drinking Coconut water during such times is much better than packaged drinks. 

Coconut Water contains CYTOKINES and LAURIC acid it helps in the process of cell growth and the cells regulation. Coconut water is rich in magnesium and potassium which are helpful to those suffering low blood pressure and helps to reduce the risk of heart problems. Drinking this natural water will help to increase good cholesterol (H D L) by the way maintaining good cardiovascular health.

Coconut water helps to treat DEHYDRATION caused by dysentery, cholera, diarrhea, fever, flu etc., It also helps to prevent muscle cramps because it contains huge potassium. Since it contains calcium it helps to strengthen bones, muscles and tissues. Doctors recommend this as a good form of Oral rehydration therapy.
Coming to Diabetes - Question arises whether diabetic can drink coconut water? Studies reveal coconut water helps to control diabetes and when taken often it may help to improve blood circulation.

Coconut water from tender coconuts is used in many hair and skin products because of its antibacterial, anti- fungal, and antioxidant properties. And its contents of vitamin K and iron which are very essential for maintaining hair softness and hair shine. 

Coconut water is one of the best sources for preventing health issues in pregnant women. 
Coconut trees in Oman
Photo by: billy1847

Important thing is coconut water is free  from any harmful or artificial flavoring and coloring, and unnatural sugars. Coconut trees are abundant in many regions and more particularly on coastal areas. See this picture from Oman which is a vast desert in the persian gulf. 

It is a natural energy drink without any adulteration. Usually young coconuts (tender coconuts) are harvested from the coconut tree for the usage of coconut water.

Hope this is useful information about this energy drink. Please pass on your comments or notes. 

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Home Remedies for Diabetes (Part 2 of 2)

We saw a few simple Home remedies for typeII diabetes in our earlier post. Let us see a few more here.

Bitter gourd: Bitter gourd is also known as bitter melon. I have already described about the medicinal properties of this vegetable in one of my previous posts about using Bitter gourd for Diabetes. It stimulates pancreas to release insulin. It is commonly used in our kitchen in various forms. For treating diabetes, it is better to take it in the form of juice. Take the juice from few pieces of this bitter gourd, add sufficient water, mix it with a pinch of salt and drink in the morning with empty stomach daily for one month to control your blood sugar levels. After one month test your sugar levels and if necessary continue for another month.

Mango leaves: Mango leaves can play a good role in helping blood sugar levels. Take 2 or 3 fresh tender and budding leaves, boil them with water and drink it in the morning daily, it will help to control diabetes.

Photo by: Sanjay Acharya 
Fenugreek seeds: Fenugreek seeds have organic compounds that stimulate the pancreas into increasing its insulin output, thereby reducing the dangerous activities of glucose in the blood.

CINNAMON:  Many studies suggest cinnamon (lavanga pattai in Tamil) plays an important role in controlling blood sugar levels while simultaneously increasing body’s natural production of insulin. Take ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder every morning for 40 days to have best result. Cinnamon tea, if taken daily also will give good result. How to prepare tea? Boil one or two cinnamon in a cup of water for 5 to 7 minutes and drink it everyday morning.

Why I am very particular in discussing about many products/plants/seeds etc., for diabetic treatment? Because it is one of a very trouble-some disease and many people are suffering from diabetes and the numbers are increasing day by day. And they are seeking for remedies to control/prevent the disease.

Many Studies reveals and diabetologists are saying diabetes cannot be cured completely, but can be kept under control, if they do exercises, walking, keeping diet under control and taking medicines in time, with periodically consulting your doctor with required test results.  While speaking of tests, here I have to say HbA1c (three months average) is more important apart from routine tests. With this diabetic people can lead a normal life.

Finally diabetes is not a disease it is only disorder. Wishing all of us get better in our Diabetes control and Sugar control for a good quality of life.

This post is only intended for informational purposes and should not be construed as medical Advice!. Please check Disclaimer Page for complete information!

Home Remedies for Diabetes (Part 1 of 2)

Hello Friends,

In my previous posts I have mentioned several herbs/plants/seeds etc., like AMLA, Bitter gourd, Insulin Plant, Garlic etc which are helping us to reduce or to control blood sugar in natural way for TYPE II diabetes. You can check about 10 posts in this blog regarding natural help for diabetes. In this post, I would like to collect and give you some of the HOME REMEDIES for type II.

There are several home remedies to prevent or to control diabetes. I have given only few remedies below which are very easy to prepare and easy to follow. Out of these given home remedies you can select according to your need. These are natural remedies and with no adverse side effects. These remedies are based on my selection from my experience and collections from reliable sources. Selection is yours and it should be depend upon one’s body nature and the condition of the problem.

Apple cider vinegar: ACV Plays an important role in controlling the sugar levels in the blood. It also controls the rising of blood glucose level which noticeably after meals (that is PP). Mix a pinch of salt with two spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before taking meals, say 15 minutes before meal. Do it daily for 2 or 3 months and check for good result. There are some other health benefits in apple cider vinegar that I had mentioned in a previous post.  

Photo bySonja Pauen - Stanhopea
Curry leaves: Curry leaves is a naturally added in Asian and mainly Indian cooking  almost daily. Curry leaves is a traditional and reliable one to reduce the symptoms of diabetes and help to treat the insulin within the body. There are some organic compounds within these leaves which inhibit the breakdown of starches into simple sugars like glucose which is one the cause for diabetic flare-ups.  Apart from using the fresh raw leaves, we can dry the leaves and make into powder. Take ½ spoon of this powder mixing with butter milk or in water drink it twice a day which will help you to control type II diabetes.

Photo by: Biology Big Brother 
from Eukaryotic Cell, Organism
Aloe Vera: The Gel present in ALOE-VERA is power full component in fighting diabetes because it contains the medicinal property Called PHYTOSTEROLS. Studies have shown that Aloe vera can cause reducing in fasting blood sugar levels. It is also known to reduce levels of triglycerides in blood.  

Note:  If you are under regular diabetic medication and care, use Aloe Vera only after consultation with a medical doctor as you might need monitoring of your blood sugar levels and adjustments to medication. Further, Aloe vera can also cause a decrease in potassium and can interact with a few medications. So, ensure proper consultation and monitoring before use.

I will write about some more easy home remedies for this diabetes type II in part 2.

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