
Monday, June 24, 2013

Short Recap of Homeopathy topics so far

So far we have seen that homeopathy provides different types of medicines - Homeopathy biochemistry single or tissue remedies and bio-combination medicines with names.

A recap in short. Homeopathy medicines are safe, simple, and effective with no side effects. They will also cut your Doctor bill.

In Homeopathy medicines, there are Homeopathic basic medicines with individual names (which we will take up in later posts) and biochemistry single remedies that is also called 12 tissues remedies.

The combination of the biochemistry single remedies are prepared in the name of biocombination medicines. The names of the twelve biochemistry single remedies (12 tissue remedies) are mentioned in previous posts.  The names of 28 bio-combination medicines with numbers from 1 to 28 along with symptoms for selection are also available in my previous posts.

In homeopathy treatment, appropriate selection of medicines for selective symptom is very important. If you find it difficult to select  a particular medicine for a particular symptom, it is always better to approach a Homoepathy Doctor

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Silicea - Homeopathy remedy for Tonsillitis, cracked skin

Silicea is found in very small quantities in our body. This plays an important constituency of the connective tissues in the skin hair nails etc.

The shortfall of this salt will create the following problems: Tonsillitis, Glandular swelling, Chronic suppurative diseases, Crust formation inside nose with bad smell.

In my experience it is a fine remedy for cracked nails and skin problems

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Natrum Sulphuricum

Natrum Sulphuricum, is a liver salt that regulates the quantity of water in the tissues by controlling the excretion of water from the body. That means this salt acts as excess water eliminator

Any short fall of this salt in the body will create the following problems: Jaundice, Influenza,  Excess watery fluids in the body due to liver disorder, Enlargement of the liver, Skin diseases with moisture, Vomiting in pregnancy.

Mainly brown green coating on the root of tongue. Symptoms becoming worse in the morning.

Next post will be about the last 12th salt namely SILICEA

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Natrum Phosphoricum

Natrum Phosphoricum can be called acid neutralizer

Any imbalance of this salt will cause the following problems.  Digestive upsets, heart burn, rheumatic pain, acidity, etc.

Gastric and intestinal disturbances with acidity, Diarrhoea, Colic, Spasms due to acidity, Thick yellow coating in the tongue, Pain in the thighs while climbing or walking through stairs, Restless legs.

This remedy is also useful for cracking, tearing, drawing, pressing, stitching pains in joints and shoulders.
This kind of salt is mainly found in the blood and in intercellular fluids  
In the next post we'll see about another salt NATRUM SULPHURICUM

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Natrum Muriaticum

Natrum Muriaticum is also is called a water distributor. This kind of element (salt) is present in the blood plasma and fluids which surround the cell structures throughout the body.

As it is already stated this is a water distributor, that means the function of this salt consists in properly distributing water through organism.

Watery symptoms in skin diseases, respiratory problems with thin watery expectoration, constipation with headache, inflammation of any mucous membrane with watery discharges, Fever, dryness of excessive moisture in any part of the body.

Next post will be about NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM                                                                                                                         

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Magnesium Phosphoricum

Magnesium Phosphoricum  is a nerve stabilizer, will cure also cramps, neuralgia.

This element is found in the blood cells, muscles, brain, spinal narrow nerves, bones and teeth.

The deficiency of this salt will cause sharp pain, cramps. It is generally prescribed for Neuralgia, Menstrual colic, Ovarian Neuralgia, Trembling, Hiccough, Tooth ache etc., 

Don’t forget it is a nerve stabilizer

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Kali Sulphuricum

Kali Sulphuricum is an oxygen exchanger. Like Ferrum Phosphoricum, this salt will work as oxygen exchanger,  that means this remedy works in effecting the transfer of oxygen while inhaling. It is present in all the cells of containing iron. 

Short fall of this salt will result in the following complaints: Headache, Pain in limbs, Vertigo, Brittle nails, Poor hair condition.

It is very good remedy for BRONCHITIS, whooping cough, asthma, ear trouble. It is also remedy for tuberculosis, mensuration, indigestion, disorders of eyes, albumin urea.

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Kali Phosphoricum

Kali Phosphoricum is specially a nerves salt which appears in brain cells and nerve fluids blood plasma (white corpuscles) and in the inter-cellular fluids.

Imbalance of this salt in the body will result in Mental disorder, loss of memory, Paralysis, Nerves diseases, Insomnia, Night terrors, Palpitations, Exhaustion, Anxiety, Mental and physical breakdown, sexual weakness, Cancer, Diabetes, Nosebleed etc.

This element is vital in the formation and maintenance of the cells of the brain.

Next post will be about kali sulphuricum

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Kali Muriaticum

Kali Muriaticum is useful to control the glandular inflammation. This salt is found in almost all the cells and appears in the blood corpuscles, inter-cellular fluids also in the cells of the nerves and muscles.

This remedy is very helpful for all diseases of the mucous membranes with thick white phlegm or secretions from any of the mucous membranes.

White and grey coating  in the tongue,  glandular swellings, diarrhoea with  pale, yellow stools,  ulcerations with swellings, rheumatism with swelling of the affected parts

This remedy is specially prescribed for ear diseases and sluggish fever.

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Ferrum Phosphorica - Remedy for inflammation

This mineral salt is seen essentially in Red blood corpuscles and has the property of attracting oxygen from the inhaled air. Any imbalance of this salt will result in relaxed muscular tissue with inflammation, fever, congestion, swelling.

Inflammation, Pale face, Fever, Quick pulse, Hot dry skin, Thirst, Pain and redness of the body. Symptoms are aggravated by motion and relieved by warmth.

This is a good remedy for fever, congestive diseases and can also be used for treating problems in respiratory track, Bronchitis, Gastric, Tonsillitis, Rheumatism, Haemorrhages, Boils, Nose bleed etc.

So now we got the details about Ferrum Phosphorica (phosphate of iron) is it?

Next we will see about another salt by name KALI MURIATICUM

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Calcarea Sulphurica - Homeopathy remedy for treatment of pus

In the last post, we discussed Calcarea Phosphorica - a Homeopathy remedy for Numbness, back pain, fevers etc.  

In this post, we will discuss about Calcarea Sulphurica, which is a salt generally present in the liver and bile mucous membrane.

This is useful in suppurations of pus mixed with blood, yellowish discharged in eyes, ears, nose.This salt is also curative in ear diseases with blood, diarrhoeas, ulcers, pimples, boils, oozing scabs. It can also be used as effective remedy for cystic tumors, fibroids, eczema,  chronic lung infections. 

Indications: Formation of pus in the skin, thick yellow heavy pus sometimes with blood in ears, nose, face, or from inside parts of the body.

Dosage: With the usual dosage of 4…4…4 for two weeks, you will find good relief from the problems. For children use half of the dosage. In case of severity you can increase the dosage a little

Next will be about Ferrum Phosphorica (phosphate of iron)

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Calcarea Phosphorica - Homeopathy remedy for Back pain

In the earlier post, we discussed about CalCarea Fluorica which is a tissue remedy that is good to treat conditions like Piles, Varicose veins, Cataract, Enlargement of blood vessels etc. 

In this post, we will discuss about Calcarea Phosphorica. This element is found in all cells, especially in bone cells and it is necessary for normal formation of new cells. It is remedy for weak-links pain accompanied by formication (sensation like insects crawling over the skin)

This salt will strengthen the bones and also helps for the formation of new cells. This salt will help the elderly people in many complaints in legs and hands.

This remedy is best for Numbness, Severe nerve pain, Back pain, Fevers, Congestive disorders and even for Tuberculosis.

This is a valuable remedy for ANAEMIA

Some of the main indications for the usage of this salt are Dry skin, Thirst, Pain, Numbness in the body. In throat indications is tonsils and in mouth, indications are Decay of teeth, and unable to open mouth without pain

This CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA remedy is also very useful for fractures and also as growth supplement among children

Don’t forget it is a fine remedy for bone strength

Dosage:  4….4….4 for 15 days

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CalCarea Fluorica - Homeopathy medicine for Piles, Cataract and Varicose veins

This is one of the twelve homeopathy tissue salts. 

This salt is usually present on the surface the bones, teeth’s enamel, walls of the blood vessels in heart and in connective tissues. 

If this salt is not present sufficiently then the following disorder or problem can arise - Piles, Gumboils, Varicose veins, Cataract, Enlarging of blood vessels, Blood tumours.  

Hence if we take CALCAREA FLUORICA salt remedy, it will balance the imbalance of this salt in our body and can provide cure to the above problems.
This remedy is also useful for the diseases connected to the respiratory organs

Dosage: Generally if you take this tablets 4….4….4 daily for 15 days you will be relieved from the problems.

Next will be about another salt remedy CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA

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Friday, June 14, 2013

The twelve Homeopathy Tissue Remedies

To know more about tissue remedies, refer my previous post – What is a homeopathy tissue remedy?

Here, we can see the names of all the twelve (12) homeopathy tissue remedies


The above 12 salts are essential for the functioning of the human body. If there is imbalance of any of these salts, the cells are unable to perform their functions fully and as a result, different kind of diseases may arise.  This we have already studied in our previous posts.

Next we will see the function and usage of these salts one by one.

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