
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Types of Homeopathy Medicines - Biochemic system

There are mainly three types of Homeopathy medicines. 

They are 
  • Basic Homeopathy medicines with individual names 
  • Biochemic single remedies (also called Biochemistry Single remedies or Tissue remedies) and 
  • Biochemic combinations or Bio-Combination medicines

What are Homeopathy BioChemistry Single remedies and Bio-combination medicines? let us see in short. 

The biochemic system was discovered by  German Dr. SCHUESSIER. He found our body is composed of 12 inorganic salts of Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Quartz. Any imbalance of these salts would cause some disturbance in the smooth functioning of the body. Replacement of the deficient salt would restore health. Hence he found the system that deals only 12 remedies each containing one important inorganic cell-salt found in the human body.  These 12 remedies are called BioChemistry remedies.

Bio-combination medicines is the combination of two or more biochemistry remedies.

In general these medicines are simple, safe, economical, easy to carry anywhere and can be used again and again when symptoms occurs in family members as well as our friends. 

One among the biocombination medicines which is generally used is “BC No. 6”.   With the change in lifestyle and conditions it is noticed that mixed disease conditions have become common. This Biocombination of medicines "No. 6" will help and cure the illness. In the next post, we’ll see more about this “No. 6” Medicine.

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