
Saturday, September 28, 2013

CAUSTICUM for Pains, Sore Throat and Urinary problems

In the last post, we saw about Bryonica Alba (BRY) which is an excellent medicine for Glaucoma, Constipation etc.

CAUSTICUM is prepared from blending of slaked lime and sulphate of potash. It is mainly used as first aid remedy to cure burn injuries, and all pains with burning feeling.

This medicine can also be used mainly to cure chronic Rheumatic, Arthritic and Paralytic problems indicted with tearing, drawing pains in the muscular and Fibrous tissues. It can also be used as cure for Restlessness at night with tearing pain in the joints and bones.

In the case of Head, main indications are Head feeling the sensation of an empty space between the forehead and brain.

Regarding Throat, CAUSTICUM is very useful remedy for Sore throat with dryness and pain and also to treat Stiffness and pain in the neck, throat, and back.

In the case of chest, this medicine can be used to cure the chest pain with palpitations.

This medicine can be used to cure patients with Sufferings due to dull and tearing pain in the hands and arms and also Feeling heaviness and weakness over the body.

Especially CAUSTICUM is a very good remedy in case of Urinary problems – e.g. when patient is Passing urine involuntary while coughing or sneezing, Urine is expelled slowly with loss of sensibility during urination, Retention of urine after urination and Feeling bladder full of urine but no desire to pass. This is also excellent medicine for getting relief from Bladder infection and Feeling urgency to pass urine.

For pain with burning feeling or burning injuries immediately choose this remedy CAUSTICUM. And also don’t forget to use for the urinary problems with the above mentioned symptoms

Dosage: Adult dosage is 4….4….4. For children 2….2….2. It will work with 30th to 200th potency

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