
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CANTHARIS VESICATORIA (Spanish fly) for urinary problems

In the last post, we discussed about the medicine by name CHAMOMILLA which is a good painkiller. In this post we will see the functions of CANTHARIS which is a noted medicine to cure urinary and bladder problems.

This medicine is obtained from the insect called LYTTA VESICTORIA. The common name for this fly is Spanish fly. Seem a beautiful picture of this in the wikipedia page here. This fly produces a toxic substance called cantharidin which is a strong poisonous one.

This remedy used to treat mainly the inflammation of the urinary bladder caused by infection or irritation. It is also used to cure burns and blisters.

It should be noticed that cantharis patients may be restless and also excitable, may be feeling extremely thirsty with difficulty in swallowing. The patient may be having no appetite and will avoid taking food.

The following are the physical symptoms for which cantharis can be used: Intense urge to urinate and with indication of severe inflammation of urinary system with burning pain associated with urinary track. The patient may be afraid to urinate and also may feel urge for frequent urination.

The other symptoms are loss of appetite, burning feeling in the throat, and thirst without desire to drink.

This remedy can also be used to cure burns, Sunburns, blisters, skin eruptions and insect bites and also eczema etc.

Cantharis is very good remedy to cure the patients who feel burning sensation at the bottom of feet during at night.

It is being prescribed to those suffering from eye inflammation and tongue inflammation and nerve pain (neuralgia)

Please note whenever anyone having infection on urinary system and complaints with kidney and bladder complaints think of this cantharis.

Dosage:  For adults 4…4…4 and for Children 2…2…2.  It can be used with 6th to 200th potency. And it can be used for a limited period say for a week or ten days. Then stop for few days, use the same if problem persists.

Warning: Excess dosage of this medicine may cause burning pain in stomach and throat, may also cause feeling of frequent urge to urinate.

This post is only intended for informational purposes and should not be construed as medical Advice!. Please check Disclaimer Page for complete information!

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