
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunflower Seeds - Good seed/snack for Heart problems

Friends, so far we saw posts regarding Homeopathy and its types of medicines, potency etc. I also want to share you information regarding Nature foods, Natural and Healthy living.

Nature is God’s creation and natural products like Plants, Trees, Roots, Vegetables, Fruits, Seeds, Nuts, Water etc., help us lead a healthy life. Most of the nature’s products are identified as natural herbs because they contain medicinal properties of their own.

In this post, we will discuss about one such natural product SUNFLOWER SEEDS and how it can help us with its medicinal effects.

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, which has a significant anti-inflammatory property. Vitamin E plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.  They help in managing diabetes since they are low in carbohydrate. 
Sunflower Seed
Sunflower Seed

These seeds are very good source of magnesium, hence it will help to reduce severity of Asthma, BP and work well to prevent migraine headache. Sunflower seeds also helps to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Since these seeds contain Selenium which will act to reduce the risk of cancer. The usage of this seeds will also help to control cell damages, thus playing a role in preventing cancer because of the Selenium content.  

Further it should be noted these seeds contain minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Copper which help to make bones stronger. Since these seeds contain Vitamin E it will help to reduce arthritic pain also.

See this interesting information, if you take just a handful of sunflower seeds a day it will keep heart troubles away. Why? Because these seeds disallow cholesterol from sticking to the walls of arteries, by this way it helps to prevent heart attack.

Now you may understand the importance of this nature food and how it acts in our body with its medicinal properties.

I hope this information will be very useful to you. These seeds are available in most of the departmental stores and are not too costly also..  Don’t use roasted one, use only plain seeds. 
Hint: Although the closed seed is cheaper, I prefer buying the opened seed, otherwise it is a big bother breaking the seeds to get the kernel :).  

Try this to avoid heart problems. Give your comments and also share if you have any information with regards to this topic. It will be much appreciated and useful to all. Ok?

This post is only intended for informational purposes and should not be construed as medical Advice!. Please check Disclaimer Page for complete information!

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