
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Water Melon - The Juicy, Red and Healthy Thirst Quencher

Red Juicy Watermelons
Photo by: Steve Evans
Every one seems to love this juicy fruit during summer time. During the summer season water melon is available in plenty with affordable price. It is a great addition to our healthy diet. 

From the reports it is learnt that the first harvest of this vegetable fruit recorded 5000 years ago in Egypt. 

Doubt may arise whether watermelon is fruit or vegetable? Water melon is considered as fruit and also vegetable. If you consume this fruit during summer time it makes you fresh and cool.

Scientific name for this fruit is CITRULLUS LANATUS and is a Scrambler and Trailer (like Pumpkin) type of plant. It is originally mainly from Southern Africa.
Cube Watermelon from Japan
Photo by: Flickr user laughlin

Generally it is used as a fruit to be a sweet enhancer along with our diets. Packed with many vitamins and minerals water melon is considered one of the healthier food. It is low in calories and also fat free.

Although normally it is available in affordable prices, there are some special varieties available. The Cube variety from Japan costs average of 300$ to even 6000$ (yes, six thousand US Dollars!)  

Only ripe water melon is to be used for dietary purposes. How to find out it is ripe? Just thump it if it sounds hollow then it is taken as ripe one. 

If it is fresh and uncut, it can be stored for 10 days. If it is cut it can be stored for 4 days only. While storing this fruit care must be taken that it should be fully wrapped by plastic cover to avoid contamination and for long storage.

What are all its health benefits?
Watermelon is high in water content. It contains 92% of water and 8% of sugar thus help in maintaining water balance in the cells. Water melon acts as a natural moisturizer as well as a toner and keeps the skin cool and fresh. 

Water melon Nutrients
It also contains a lot of other minerals as seen in the list from Wikipedia. You can check the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) link to see the complete list of nutrients in Raw Water melon.

Water melon is rich in electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. The contents full of fatigue fighters namely Potassium, Vitamin C, Lycopene, and Iron and in this fruit drive away any feeling of fatigue.

Water melon contains Vitamin A, which is important for optimal eye health and boosts the immunity by enhancing the infection fighting actions of white blood cells called lymphocytes.

Vitamin B6 which contains in this fruit helps immune system and help to maintain normal nerve function and form red blood cells.

Vitamin C contains in water melon help to protect our body from harmful free radicals that can accelerate aging and also help to protect cataract.

Contents of Potassium which is necessary for water balance. People with low potassium may experience muscle cramps.

The Red flesh of Water melon contains significant amount of Lycopene (Red tomatoes also contain Lycopene). Lycopene is helpful in reducing the risk of many cancers.  

American Heart Association’s heart check mark program had certified that water melon is low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Amino acid citrulline can help to maintain blood flow within heart and cardiovascular function. It may help to cure Inflammation and dehydration.

By knowing the above health benefits of this golden fruit, I hope you may use often along with your daily dietary.

For more information about Watermelon and benefits you can check the Wikipedia link here and more another link here.

I have mentioned a few benefits of this fruit. Add your comments or any other uses or benefits of this fruit.  Your feedback through comments in this regard will benefit all of us.  

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