
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Health benefits of grapes - For Heart, Metabolism and immunity

Hello friends, My blog is one year old baby now. Your response is much encouraging and gives me a moral booster to continue writing about various subjects in this blog.

In our last three previous posts we have discussed about the health benefits of Water melon, Drumstick (Moringa), Coconut water

Fresh Brown Grapes
Fresh brown grapes
Now let us discuss about GRAPES, its health benefits and usages. 

Grapes are non-climatic type plants. Grapes are one of the most liked fruits in the world. 

Grapes are available in different varieties and in different colours according the cultivation and nature of fields in which they are cultivated. Mostly they are available in red, green, black and purple colours.
Grapes hanging in a farm fence
Grapes in a farm fence
It is learnt that grapes were cultivated first in the middle- east. Grape is considered a berry. Grapes are in different in tastes according to the varieties.

Studies reveal that grapes will help in prevention of cancer, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and constipation etc. They are high in water content and good for hydration.

Green grapes - for health and immunity
Green grapes

How do Grapes help in cancer treatment? Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as POLYPHENOLS which can slow/prevent many types of cancer cells including prostate and colon cancers. You can learn more about PolyPhenols and their health benefits in the website.

The appearance of flavonoid quercetin which is a natural anti-inflammatory may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (A disease of heart involving hardening of arteries due to Plaque or Plak buildup) . The high content of polyphenol in grapes may help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorder by preventing artery wall build ups and reducing blood pressure via anti-inflammatory mechanism.

The fiber and potassium present in the grapes are also support to heart health. High potassium in take may reduce risk of stroke, increase bone strength and help reduce the formation of Kidney stones.

How grapes help to treat constipation? Eating of grapes will help to have free bowel movements there by it will prevent constipation.

Studies reveal that grapes can help to control diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy.

Few more important benefits of grapes are:
  • Better blood sugar regulation including high blood pressure 
  • Better total cholesterol regulation reducing LDL cholesterol levels
  • Better inflammatory regulation in the blood
  • Increase levels of glutathione (is produced in human liver and is important for metabolism, immunity and health) in the blood.

Grapes can be eaten as raw or can be enjoyed as juice. They is widely used for making different varieties of wines, jams, and jelly etc.,  For more interesting information and facts on grapes, check out Wikipedia page on grape

I hope by knowing the above usages and medicinal properties of this wonder grapes, all of us should have a bit of grapes in our weekly diet.  

This post is only intended for informational purposes and should not be construed as medical Advice!. Please check Disclaimer Page for complete information!

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